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Knock, Knock, who's there?

A new resident service that helps you connect with your neighbours and your Walsall community.


Made with love by whg.


Meet Dominic and Margie ðŸ‘‹ 


They are moving to a new home in Walsall. It is a 2 bedroom apartment in a high rise building. It fits their budget and they hope it can be a place to start a family.


They are stressed about the move. Amongst many questions, they are curious about the neighborhood and the community they are moving into. They don't know anyone in Walsall.


They want to settle in and be a part of the community. Being a new resident can be a lonely experience; it takes time to build friendships with people and be included in things.

That's where we come in!


Knock Knock is designed for the resident. After working closely with different communities, we've learned that residents who live in a cohesive environment have happier lives and are able to work together to tackle challenges.


Our service offers opportunities for residents to get to know their community.  

This means increased access to existing community assets, collaboration, sharing and support.


We also help them get familiar with their area. This means knowing the best hike trail, the story behind the oldest pub or where to rent tools for repairs. This gives them a sense of belonging.

Our Services:


Resident Social Kit

Receive a social kit with fun items and activities to help you get to know your neighbours and your community


Fancy a Cuppa?

What better way to get to know your neighbors than having a relaxed chat over a cup of tea.


Discover Walsall

Local residents have created a treasure hunt for you to discover Walsall's hidden gems.


Practical information

Some helpful tips, tools and information that will help you settle in and get familiar with your community.


Find a local event

Join a local group to meet people, try something new, or do more of what you love with your community


Knock Knock is your community service to get familiar with your area, to start meaningful interactions with people around you and to kickstart a long friendship with the community you belong to.


We believe in the power of people. Bringing residents together cultivates a strong sense of togetherness and makes communities more resilient to change.  Because communities that stick together can face anything together.


Interested in the idea?

Give us 25 minutes of your time and help us shape future resident services :)

This is a website to prototype a design initiative by service design students at the Royal College of Arts in collaboration with whg. This does not represent an actual business offering.


For more questions please email /

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